
Cisco presents Architecture Excellence Collaboration Germany Award 2015 to Damovo

08.06.2015, 17:30aktualizacja: 08.06.2015, 17:30

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Damovo has won an award for "Architecture Excellence Collaboration Germany" at the Global Cisco Partner Summit 2015 in Montreal.

Düsseldorf, 8.6.2015 - Damovo, one of the leading multivendor integration and service partners for UCC solutions, achieves outstanding performance in the marketing, design, installation and operation of Unified Communication and Collaboration solutions using Cisco products. This is why, once again, Damovo has received the "Unified Collaboration Partner of the Year" award, at the Cisco Partner Summit 2015 in Montreal. The prizes are awarded in 14 categories. By winning the "Architecture Excellence Collaboration Award", Damovo successfully triumphed over 2,200 business partners in Germany. This prestigious and internationally recognized award, honours the success of the Cisco and Damovo partnership: A joint strategic initiative, promoting growth in the field of Unified Collaboration. This joint collaboration involved significant investment into the following areas: Competence building, new sales methods and lead generation campaigns.

"By presenting this award, Cisco has confirmed Damovo's strategic role within the Unified Communication and Collaboration market," said Carl Mühlner, Managing Director Germany. "This award is of special importance to us. It has strengthened our resolve to press ahead with the new approaches of the Collaboration growth campaign."

"We are delighted to be able to work with the best partners in Germany in our effort to get the Internet of Everything up and running for our customers," said Carsten Heidbrink, Director Partner for Sales Organisation at Cisco Deutschland. "I'm very happy that Damovo has received the Architecture Excellence Collaboration Award for its outstanding performance in Germany."

Working in close collaboration with Cisco Systems: Damovo develops tailor-made Unified Communication and Collaboration solutions, which supports users with the planning and design phases. The lifecycle of implementing complex ICT solutions is also helped by the integration and alignment of the solutions to business as usual processes. Damovo provides reliable services for complete Cisco networks – both in Germany and globally.

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Damovo delivers technology-enabled business efficiencies to enterprises around the world. Our customers benefit from our 40 years of experience, expertise and ecosystem of industry partners. Through our consultative approach (understand, deliver and improve) we work with our customers to explore how technology can support their business objectives now and into the future. Our portfolio includes solutions around Unified Communications and Collaboration, Enterprise Networks, Contact Centres, Cloud Services and Global Managed Services.

Damovo has regional offices across Europe and a global capability spanning over 100 countries. Whatever the sector and wherever the geography, we give our 2,000 customers the tools they need to accomplish continuous business improvement.

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Press contact:

Damovo Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dagmar Nies

Heerdter Lohweg 35, D-40549 Düsseldorf

phone +49 (211) 8755-4106

fax +49 (211) 8755-4309


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Data publikacji 08.06.2015, 17:30
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