
Nauka i technologie

Jointly developed module celebrates its global launch at the IAA

12.09.2017, 11:03aktualizacja: 12.09.2017, 11:03

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Yanfeng Automotive Interiors and KOSTAL present smart surfaces in 3D glass.

Frankfurt, Germany - 12 September 2017. Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the global leader in automotive interiors, and KOSTAL, one of the world’s leading suppliers of mechatronic HMI components, are presenting at the IAA 2017 a global innovation relating to smart interior surfaces: the innovative Yanfeng-KOSTAL-Module (YaKoMo). The freely designable 3D glass surfaces seamlessly combined with new HMI technologies enables the implementation of innovative operating concepts for tomorrow's mobility for demanding designs.

Both companies share a vision: in the future every surface inside the vehicle can become a smart surface. The large decorative surfaces in the vehicle, including the door trim, floor console and instrument panel, will take on functions as smart interior surfaces. Whereas to date these surfaces have been mainly decorative, they now advance to become mechatronic user interfaces. In the strategic partnership, YFAI and KOSTAL combine their competencies relating to interiors and HMI to jointly develop and manufacture integrated smart surfaces.

In the module, modern interior design and high-quality, authentic 3D glass processing from YFAI meet innovative mechatronics and new HMI solutions from KOSTAL. YaKoMo represents the development of a new functional surface based on three-dimensional curved glass. This means that modern operating elements and switches can now be integrated even into larger decorative elements in 3D glass shaped surfaces to form an innovative, functional surface module. If no information is called up, the integrated screen and operating surfaces remain invisible as purely decorative glass surfaces. Thus the driver is not distracted by unnecessary information.

Partnership as a driver of future innovations for smart interior surfaces

The two companies present the first results of their strategic partnership at the IAA 2017 using a floor console as an example. The concept development, which is nearly production-ready, could already be used in the next generation of vehicles from model year 2021.

“The response from automakers to the cooperation between KOSTAL and YFAI has been very pleasing. Our customers however not only expect a top-quality integrated final product but also the whole service from a single source. This of course reduces the complexity on their side. We want to make the OEM’s decision to choose our combined range of smart interior surfaces as easy as possible,” explained Han Hendriks, Chief Technology Officer for YFAI, and Jörg Schwerak, Vice President Research & Development for KOSTAL, on behalf of both companies.

The detailed press text is available in our Media Center at

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Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

Jagenbergstraße 1

41468 Neuss


Astrid Schafmeister

tel. +49 2131 609-3028



Leopold KOSTAL GmbH

An der Bellmerei 10

58513 Lüdenscheid


Georg Exler

tel. +49 2351 16-2366


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Data publikacji 12.09.2017, 11:03
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