
German Magazine Hinz&Kunzt shares emotional life stories of homeless people with AI-Artworks

23.02.2023, 13:08aktualizacja: 23.02.2023, 13:10

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● Hinz&Kunzt and museum Hamburger Kunsthalle showcase AI artworks in “Homeless Gallery”

● All artworks will later be auctioned to support homeless people

The magazine Hinz&Kunzt and the museum Hamburger Kunsthalle opened the Homeless Gallery yesterday with an open-air vernissage in Hamburg. The exhibition features artworks created by homeless people from Hamburg. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables the artists to put the stories of their personal lives on canvas.

The artists used AI to document the life stories of the homeless in the artworks. The software does not do any creative work in the process. All artworks are created based on the life stories of the homeless artists.

"AI enables the artists to share their moving stories in personal works of art. Those who know the stories behind the pieces see them with different eyes. That's what makes this exhibition so emotional”, says Alexander Klar, Director of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.

Vernissage as opening of touring exhibition across Hamburg

The Homeless Gallery will be travelling through Hamburg as a pop-up exhibition and all pieces will then also be exhibited in public places. "Like the artists, the exhibition itself is 'homeless'. We exhibit the pieces in the same places the artists live. Under bridges, in subways or in parks," explains Jörn Sturm, Managing Director of Hinz&Kunzt.

Artwork auction proceeds benefit homeless people in Hamburg

After the pop-up exhibition, the Homeless Gallery artworks will be auctioned. All proceeds will support homeless people in Hamburg.

"Last year, 23 people died on Hamburg's streets. That is unacceptable!" says Jörn Sturm.

The campaign is supported by the agencies Mantikor, PUK, neuroflash, HOOKED Music GmbH, Hastings, fischerAppelt, Studio Gundlach, Ligalux, Mediaplus and Ströer.

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Louis Sternberg

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Data publikacji 23.02.2023, 13:08
Źródło informacji APA-OTS
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