
Zdrowie i styl życia

2015 another record year for convention destination Vienna

01.04.2016, 15:55aktualizacja: 01.04.2016, 15:55

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Vienna’s meetings industry recorded more events and overnights than ever before in 2015. The result-ing value-added broke the billion euro barrier for the first time ever.

“The conference destination Vienna achieved record results for all key indicators in 2015,” reports Norbert Kettner, Director of the Vienna Tourist Board. Vienna hosted a total of 3,685 congresses, corporate conven-tions and incentives in 2015. The resulting overnights totaled 1.7 million, an increase of 13% on the previous year.“ The contribution made by Vienna’s meetings industry to Austria’s national value-added rose by 16% compared to 2014 to 1.04 billion euros, a remarkable increase that broke the billion euro barrier for the first time,” according to Kettner. 81% of value-added was attributable to international congresses, which brought in half the total number of meeting delegates and 76% of overnights in 2015. Meetings, congresses and incentives in Vienna secured more than 19,000 year-round jobs throughout Austria. Overall the Austrian capi-tal recorded 14.3 million overnights in 2015, 12% of which was due to the meetings industry.

For years now, the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) has ranked Vienna among the top three congress metropolises worldwide. “Vienna scores as an easily accessible central European hub, with optimal support from urban and scientific institutions, a multifaceted hotel sector, and top meeting locations,” explains Kettner. “Congress delegates spend an average 534 euros a day in Vienna, and almost half of them plan a private return visit.” Vienna – which can be reached by direct flights from over 180 desti-nations worldwide – currently offers around 65,000 hotel beds. Further information:

Cross reference: Picture is available via AP images and can be downloaded free of charge at: resp.

Further information:

Vienna Tourist Board

Isabella Rauter

tel. +43/1/211 14-301


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Data publikacji 01.04.2016, 15:55
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