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On 3 and 4 June, #MOI2025 will bring together decision-makers from the insurance industry and banks from German-speaking countries and Central and Eastern Europe for the 11th time in Vienna. This year, there will be a focus on the topic of bancassurance.
Erika Krizsan, organiser of the conference, says:
“Insurance and banking have common challenges and can learn a lot from each other. MOI stands for >>Magic of Innovation<<. At the conference for experts and young talents, we create inspiration, new contacts and exciting prospects for the industries in German-speaking countries and Central and Eastern Europe.”
The programme under the motto “BRINGING TOGETHER THE BANKING & INSURANCE WORLD!” includes top-class keynotes, motivational pitches, table talks and panel discussions. Around 50 speakers are expected to provide input, including Olivera Böhm-Rybak (UNIQA), Judith Dobretzberger (Google), Patricia Kasandziev (Bank99), Harald Londer (VIG - Vienna Insurance Group), and Birgit Puck (Austrian Financial Market Authority).
As a highlight of the first day of the conference, an award for outstanding women in banking and insurance will be presented for the first time. On 4 June, start-ups from the FinTech and InsurTech sectors will present their business models and solutions to the audience. Submissions can be made online via https://magicofinnovation.eu. The speakers and the preliminary programme are also available here.
Tickets are available via https://www.eventbrite.at/e/moi2025-innovation-day-vienna-tickets-1084149212479.
Proven partners of #MOI2025 are EFS Consulting, Gidrolock, Google, Microsoft and Ubimet.
Source: Insurance Factory Consulting & Training
Thomas Goiser
e-mail: thomas@goiser.at
Source: APA-OTS
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Data publikacji | 10.03.2025, 13:15 |
Źródło informacji | APA-OTS |
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