
#MOI INNOVATION DAY: Meeting of the insurance industry and banks from the D-A-CH and CEE region on 3 and 4 June in Vienna

10.03.2025, 13:15aktualizacja: 10.03.2025, 13:15

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Magic of Innovation: Customer Experience in the World of Bancassurance.

On 3 and 4 June, #MOI2025 will bring together decision-makers from the insurance industry and banks from German-speaking countries and Central and Eastern Europe for the 11th time in Vienna. This year, there will be a focus on the topic of bancassurance.

Erika Krizsan, organiser of the conference, says:

“Insurance and banking have common challenges and can learn a lot from each other. MOI stands for >>Magic of Innovation<<. At the conference for experts and young talents, we create inspiration, new contacts and exciting prospects for the industries in German-speaking countries and Central and Eastern Europe.”

The programme under the motto “BRINGING TOGETHER THE BANKING & INSURANCE WORLD!” includes top-class keynotes, motivational pitches, table talks and panel discussions. Around 50 speakers are expected to provide input, including Olivera Böhm-Rybak (UNIQA), Judith Dobretzberger (Google), Patricia Kasandziev (Bank99), Harald Londer (VIG - Vienna Insurance Group), and Birgit Puck (Austrian Financial Market Authority).

As a highlight of the first day of the conference, an award for outstanding women in banking and insurance will be presented for the first time. On 4 June, start-ups from the FinTech and InsurTech sectors will present their business models and solutions to the audience. Submissions can be made online via The speakers and the preliminary programme are also available here.

Tickets are available via

Proven partners of #MOI2025 are EFS Consulting, Gidrolock, Google, Microsoft and Ubimet.

Source: Insurance Factory Consulting & Training


Thomas Goiser


Source: APA-OTS


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Data publikacji 10.03.2025, 13:15
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