
Nauka i technologie

The new comfort class by ClinicAll

12.04.2018, 11:37aktualizacja: 12.04.2018, 11:37

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

For you, for me, for everyone: The ClinicAll app - not only patients will love it.

Developed for iOS and Android, the new ClinicAll app lets previously unfulfilled wishes come true, giving users full access to a wide range of services.

ClinicAll has already been successful in providing digitalized solutions for clinics. This expertise has led to the idea of making all the possibilities of this new technology available to all users - conveniently on any smartphone or tablet.

You are at the center of attention - the ClinicAll app makes sure of this.

Are you currently staying in hospital? Open the ClinicAll app on your smartphone to use TV, Internet, and call up all hospital information: Your treatment appointments, meals, even room lighting or bed control! Doctors and staff inform you about upcoming visits via push messages. And you can call your nurse via the app any time - communication is incredibly easy and uncomplicated.

Are you healthy again and left the hospital? Keep the ClinicAll app on your smartphone and receive interesting news and information on the topics of health technology, ClinicAll, affiliated clinics and partners.

Available now in the App store - discover all the benefits live at conhIT 2018:

The ClinicAll app has now been released in the Android and iOS App stores. To date, no other supplier on the market has been able to realize an app for patients and clinics with a comparable range of features.

In order to install, search through the App store for "ClinicAll App".

The new ClinicAll app will be shown to industry representatives for the first time in our own virtual hospital set-up at conhIT 2018 – with some first applications.


ClinicAll Germany GmbH

Lea Kelic

tel. +49 2131 52813-30


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Data publikacji 12.04.2018, 11:37
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