
ING BANK ŚLĄSKI SA Resignation of Members of the Supervisory Board from standing for re-election

31.03.2014, 19:01aktualizacja: 31.03.2014, 19:01

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Current report No: 9/2014

The Management Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A. hereby give notice that the Bank received letters on 31 March 2014 from:

1) Ms. Anna Fornalczyk, the Chair of the Supervisory Board of ING BankŚląski S.A.,2) Mr. Wojciech Popiołek, the Secretary of the Supervisory Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A.,3) Mr. Mirosław Kośmider, the Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Bank Śląski S.A.,

concerning their resignation from standing for re-election to theSupervisory Board for the next term of office.

The decision on the resignation from standing for re-election for thenext term of office is dictated by the fact that the above Members of the Supervisory Board would be unable to fulfil the independence criteria throughout the entire next term of office due to their long-term membership on the Bank Supervisory Board.

Legal grounds: § 5 section 1 item 21) of the Ordinance of the Ministerof Finance of 19.02.2009 on current and periodical information provided by securities issuers and conditions for recognising as equivalent the information required by law of a non-Member State (Journal of Laws no. 33, item 259 as amended).

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Data publikacji 31.03.2014, 19:01
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