
World’s Largest Biometric System for Banks by DERMALOG Protects the Accounts of Over 64 Million Customers

04.12.2024, 12:19aktualizacja: 02.01.2025, 10:32

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Hamburg/Germany, Lagos/Nigeria, December 4, 2024 – Over 64 million Nigerians now conduct their banking transactions through accounts safeguarded by advanced biometric technology. This cutting-edge solution was developed by DERMALOG, Germany’s leading manufacturer of biometric identification systems.

In 2015, DERMALOG implemented a biometric system for 23 Nigerian banks and the country’s central bank, enabling customers to register their accounts using fingerprint and facial recognition. By verifying identity through biometric features, subsequent transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals, can be completed quickly and securely.

The identity verification system developed by DERMALOG is deployed nationwide in Nigeria. It plays a crucial role in combating fraud in the financial services sector and protecting account holders from unauthorized access to their savings. Additionally, the solution simplifies access to financial services for Nigerian citizens, marking a substantial stride towards greater financial inclusion.

“Over the past decade, our innovative technology has made a vital contribution to enhancing security in Africa’s largest economy. Our collaboration with the Nigerian banking sector is a prime example of how biometrics can streamline access to essential everyday services while significantly improving security,” said Günther Mull, CEO of DERMALOG.

DERMALOG is Germany’s pioneer in biometrics and the country’s largest manufacturer of biometric systems. Founded in 1995, the company develops fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition identification solutions. DERMALOG’s technology is now used worldwide in more than 100 countries by 260 governmental authorities and companies for applications such as border control, ID issuance and banking services.

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In 2015, DERMALOG implemented a biometric system for 23 Nigerian banks and the country’s central bank, enabling customers to register their accounts using fingerprint and facial recognition.


DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH

Sven Böckler
tel. +49 (0) 40 13 227 0

Media Relations

Source: APA-OTS


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Data publikacji 04.12.2024, 12:19
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